Sheepherders' Rondy Starts Friday: In its sixth year, it’s all about celebrating the sheep industry

Sheepwagons being unloaded at the Wyoming State Fair two weeks ago. Be sure to visit Glenrock this weekend for the Sheepherders' Rendezvous. The fun starts Friday at 2 p.m., in Town Park. (Jackson Day photo)

Cinthia Stimson


There may be a little bit of contention about where exactly the sheepwagon was created in the Cowboy State – was it Gillette or Douglas?

Could it have been Glenrock?

No one appears to have the absolute, definitive answer (although plenty of research is being done to get to the bottom of things).

However, if you’re interested in celebrating all things sheep and sheep industry related,  then the Glenrock Sheepherders’ Rendezvous, in its sixth year, is taking place this weekend, Aug. 25-27 at Town Park.

Dedicated individuals put on the show to give the community and visitors the opportunity to gather and socialize, learn more about the history of sheepwagons, sheep and their herders, by making a long weekend of it.

Daily events include visiting and learning about the sheepwagons on display, taking in the alpaca show and learning more about the animals, watching spinners and weavers as they work their craft, living history demonstrations, pioneer cooking, blacksmith demos, learning about the Pony Express and how they delivered mail and, of course, live music.


Aug. 25, Friday

Noon - Craft vendors, food trucks, sheepwagons, Sheep Shed shop open

1 p.m.-3 p.m. - Variety of games and music

3 p.m.- 5 p.m. – Square dance demonstrations

5:30 p.m. - Live music


Aug. 26, Saturday

9 a.m. -  Dick Grabow Dog trials begin, sheepwagons and Sheep Shed shop open

10 a.m. - Craft vendors, food trucks open, day-long music variety shows begin

Noon - Junior dog competition

4:30 p.m. - Dutch oven cook off judging


Aug. 27, Sunday

10 a.m. - Sheepwagons and shop open

10 a.m. - Craft and food vendors open, gospel music

11 a.m. - Cowboy church

Noon - Rondy ends


Glenrock Independent

Physical Address:506 W. Birch, Glenrock, WY 82637 Mailing Address: PO Box 109, Douglas, WY 82633 Phone: (307) 436-2211

The Glenrock Independent is located in the Bronco Building

Office hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 10:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday - 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

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