2023 Sheepherders’ Rondy photos

Meg streaks across the field getting in position to move the sheep according to handler Allison Jarred’s commands. (Phil Hernden / Glenrock Independent photo)

Susan Recker and Ernie Blohm hold hands while enjoying conversation, the sounds of the Deer Creek Brass Band and the view of dozens of surrounding sheep wagons at the annual Sheepherders Rendezvous at Glenrock Town Park. (RJ Morgan / Glenrock Independent photo)

Dozens of sheep wagons fill Glenrock Town Park where visitors enjoy viewing the variety of classics while hearing stories from the owners during the three-day annual event. (RJ Morgan / Glenrock Independent photo)

Vendor Lisa Tinker Esterline discusses Brazillian embroidery techniques with a potential client Friday afternoon during the 2023 Glenrock Sheepherders’ Rendezvous. (Cinthia Stimson / Glenrock Independent photo)

Glenrock Independent staff photographers


Glenrock Independent

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